4. Teaching Practice
This section gives my teaching experiences in Physics on Grade 11 High School Science Program. It includes the methodology I used in teaching, my time management and organizing activities, problem solving techniques, and classroom management.
Procedures of teaching was the hardest part of the teaching process since planning is different from actual execution and implementation, but still, I make sure that I am on the right track towards the attainment of learning outcomes.
I made some sacrifice in order to prepare everything. I slept at 4 AM just to translate every single word written in my PowerPoint Presentation. I believe that bilingual instruction can bridge the gap of our differences. Before the start of the lesson, I prepare intensely of the things I needed starting from the printed lesson plans and SEAMEO Student-Teacher Evaluation Forms to be given to my mentors from UNSYIAH Laboratory High School and UNSYIAH Faculty of Teacher Training and Education. I prepare the instructional materials needed such as LCD Projector, Loudspeaker, objects such as balloon, candle, boiled egg, lighter, etc. (I would like to express my deep gratitude to my Indonesian friends who truly helped me in finding these materials). I cleaned the chemistry laboratory with Ms. Rosita Ariani, chemistry laboratory in-charge, because that laboratory will serve as the venue for my final demonstration teaching.
My actual teaching demonstration teaching started at 10:30 AM on Grade 11 Science Class in Chemistry Laboratory and ended at 12:00 PM. My mentors were present that time. These were Ms. Zuchra Ulfa, S. Si, and Dr. Muhammad Syukri, M. Ed. I started my final demonstration teaching with preliminary activities. I deliver my simple greeting of ‘Good morning, class!’ or ‘Selamat pagi’. Then, we proceed to prayer in a form of INTERFAITH where I let them pray Moslem style then I followed praying in Roman Catholic style. I believe that integrating Interfaith inside the classroom is one way of earning respect despite religious differences. ‘Respect begets respect’ as the saying goes. After that, I encouraged them to arrange their chairs properly and to pick up the pieces of dirts and plastics. At that time, I felt the nervousness since I knew that I am the facilitator of learning and the direction of classroom instruction all depends on me. However, I do not let nervousness and having weak, doubtful thoughts to obscure my confidence and teaching skills. Instead, I transformed it as strength to charge me with confidence and a challenge to conquer. Then, I checked the attendance and assignment.
I facilitated recapitulation of the lesson ‘Ideal Gases’ by allowing them to consult in PhET Interactive Simulation and identify their nature and characteristics. PhET Interactive Simulation is a software program that is helpful in getting a conceptual understanding of the science and mathematics lessons, especially those which cannot be easily observed in our surrounding by our naked eye. I was so glad because they can easily identify the characteristics of ideal gases by just observing on the behaviour of gas molecules inside the container. After recalling, I asked them to watch the short-minute video. I saw it in their eyes that they were interested in the new topic. All of them were silent and focused while watching the short-minute video. When the video ended, I asked them about what they have observed, and all of them gave very good observations about the hot-air balloons. I gave a question triggering their critical thinking which is ‘Why do hot air balloons float?’ All of them were thinking of the answer because they are in their peak of curiosity. I throw the question to be answered on the latter part once they already understand the lesson. I presented the lesson which is Charles’s Law, one of the important laws in gases. I also presented the learning objectives, and then give the “Tough Word Breaker’ to lessen their difficulties in understanding the concepts due to some terminologies.
Afterwards, I gave experiment activities for each group. The experiment activities were titled as follows: ‘Heat Up!’, ‘Lights Out…Rise Up!’, ‘The Egg Shoots!’ and ‘The Dented Ball’. These experiments were directly related to the topic. I gave them activity sheets to answer and an analytic rubric to serve as their indicators for fair and appropriate grading judgment. I allotted 20 minutes to finish the activity. They enjoyed it because some of the experiments are their first encounter except ‘The Egg Shoots’ or the typical ‘Egg In The Bottle’ experiment. We proceeded to the presentation of each group. I noticed that they always utter the greeting, ‘Assalamualaikum waramatullahi wabarakatuh’ which has a meaning when translated in English. They explained well their answers and obtained an excellent understanding of what they had observed. They exceeded my expectation. In addition, while showing my PowerPoint Presentation to them, they were amazed by how I developed the bilingual instruction. Class presentation is learner-centered, thus, it is vital for the teaching and learning process because their learning experiences were constructive or coming from their own ideas.
Then, I deepen the topic with some elaborations about Charles’s Law. I asked various questions which fosters higher-order thinking skills. Moreover, I always secure the bottom line of the lesson and allowed them to realize to themselves the importance of Charles’s Law to their lives. Then, I gave the formula used for solving word problems involving the said law. They were able to compute the values of the quantities and were able to determine the direct relationship of temperature and volume. Afterwards, I verified their learning by means of throwing questions with new situations. Then, I evaluated their learning by giving short quizzes aligned to their learning outcomes, some were selected-response type and some are constructive-response type. Lastly, I gave them assignment or homework to do related to the present topic which is the Charles’s Law and also related to the new topic for the next meeting which is the Boyles’s Law.
I developed inculcated discipline in time wherever I came to school or even having my classroom instruction. I am always advanced before the actual time ticks. During classroom instruction, I check my watch if the allocated time for a certain phase is under time, or just enough, or it exceeds the time. I’ll make sure that I will finish on the exact ending time. In my final demonstration teaching, I ended at 12:02 PM.
The organizing activities were well-planned and ready because I make sure that before my students enter inside the Chemistry Laboratory, everything is ready. What they just need to do is to participate and cooperate well in the discussion for a healthy and active teaching and learning processes. In the activity phase, I supervised them like guiding them on the proper use of laboratory equipment and reminding them to be cautious and careful since fire is involved in the experiment. I am glad because they were able to execute the experiment, although, there were some mistakes but overall, it is OKAY.
The problem-solving techniques pointed out on probing questions where I gave sample scenario of gas molecules in new, different situations where temperature and volume were the focused quantities. In addition, I involved my students on solving word problems involving Charles’s Law. Problem-solving was an important phase in the course of the lesson because as a teacher, I can integrate various scenario. The students became open-minded of a lot of possibilities and probabilities in solving the problems.
Classroom management, I believe, is more difficult than teaching the subject matter. I am actually worried of the classroom traffics, obstructions in learning due to distracters and noise and so on. Thus, I chose Chemistry Laboratory since the windows are closed and somehow isolated from a noisy environment. I cleaned the Chemistry Laboratory together with Ms. Rosita Ariani so that dirty classroom is not evident. I make sure that lighting is okay and not dim to see everything inside the laboratory. I also secure the electric fans for good ventilations. Everything was convenient and nothing can obstruct and distract learning.
However, expectation was different from reality. It was hard to reprimand students who are very noisy, talkative and other misbehaviour. I used physical proximity to redirect them. More often I let them recite and participate, those who cannot control their misbehaviour so that attention will be focused on the discussion and will not be diverted to any unnecessary stimuli. Sometimes, I overpowered their noise by raising my voice so that everybody will listen to me. I was a socratic, energetic, and jester type of teacher. I found cracking joke was a best way to catch their attention.
Overall, my classroom management was good but my faculty mentor advised me to improve my classroom management practices a little more.
My mentors (Dr. Muhammad Syukri, M. Ed. and Ms. Zuchra Ulfa) and I together with the Grade 11 Science Class - 2IPA1) after my Final Demonstration Teaching on the topic 'Charles's Law'.
My teaching pedagogy and organizing activities
My Acehnese Learners while performing the experiment activities.
Lights Out...Rise Up! The students were amazed by the experiment they conducted involving Charles's Law. They sealed the candle with fire and the bottom with colored water using Erlenmeyer flask. Surprisingly, the water goes up to occupy the neck portion of the Erlenmeyer flask.